Friday 28 November 2014

Math Tests Returned


This morning, the Numeration Math tests were returned to the students. Please sign and return the tests. Overall, the students did very well. Any student who scored a Level 2+ or lower are welcome to conference with me next week, to show their understanding and raise their mark.

Next, we explored Mean, Median and Mode. The students worked with a partner on a Google slide, dealing with predictions and the Ottawa Senators. We will be finishing the task on Monday, but the students are welcome to work on the task with their partner this week. Ask your child to show you their work and see how accurate you think their scoring predictions will be.

Today, we also made our choice for the Christmas Concert. We will be re-writing pop songs with Christmas themes next week. It should be a lot of fun!

Next week, we will be writing our songs and continuing to work on our Kiva persuasive letters.

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Skinner

Thursday 27 November 2014

Lots of Ideas


This morning, we went to the Learning Commons to exchange our books and to brainstorm ideas for our Christmas Concert performance. We will make a final decision tomorrow, but there will be no shortage of choices. We discussed everything from a "Frozen Medley" to original songs and re-written Christmas versions of current pop songs.

Next, we finished our Bar Graphs and Double-Bar Graphs with our partners. Each group was given feedback on their original graph and made improvements for their double-bar graph. Now, we will be exploring Mean, Median and Mode. Tonight, the students need to watch the following videos.

Mean, Median and Mode Toads.

Mean, Median and Mode Rap

Hey Diddle, Diddle - not the original

Hey Diddle, Diddle - text

Finally, we continued to work on our Kiva persuasive letters. I shared a document with each of the students on their Google Drive, reminding them of the person they selected. If you can't find your person on the site anymore, you will need to go with your second choice. Be sure to take down all of the information and link to the profile on a Google Doc, as shown in class.

There will be time to work on the letter in class tomorrow, but you can work on it tonight to get ahead.

As well, be sure to keep exploring Mathletics and Dream Box.

Have a good night.

Mr. Skinner

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Double Bar Graphs and Christmas Concert Ideas


This morning, we started to work on our persuasive letters for the Kiva presentations. Each student picked a Kiva participant that they would like to present, and we discussed the criteria for the letter. I shared some exemplars of persuasive letters with the students on their Google Drives, for their reference, if they want to work on this task at home. We will continue to work on the letters in class tomorrow. Our goal is to convince our audience that our chosen person deserves the donation for their project.

In Math, we finished our bar graphs, gave and received feedback for improvement, and began to use the survey data to create double bar graphs. We are now breaking down the student data into responses by boys and girls. We will finish our double bar graphs in class, with our partners, in the morning.

For homework, the students are asked to brainstorm possible ideas for the Christmas concert. We will be planning our performance on Thursday and Friday this week.

As well, the students should continue to use Mathletics and Dreambox as we will be debating which program we like better next week.

Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Kiva and Bar Graphs


This morning we began to look at bar graphs. We discussed the criteria for a quality bar graph and the students worked in pairs to create a question and a bar graph to reflect the class results. We will finish up this task on Wednesday morning.

In Language we explored the Kiva website, which facilitates loans to those in need, who would like to start a business. Each student is asked to select three possible candidates. Each student will write a persuasive letter, convincing others that their candidate is the most deserving of the loan. We will be writing the letters over the next few weeks and then we will present our work to the Junior students, who will help select the recipients of two $25 loans from Mr. Skinner. Please look at the website tonight, to ensure you have some quality options.

Don't forget your crazy hairstyles for tomorrow.

Have a good night.

Mr. Skinner

Monday 24 November 2014

Exploring Mathletics


This morning, while students who were absent on Thursday completed their Math tests, the rest of the students explored a new Math-themed website call Mathletics.

Later this week, the students will be asked for their opinions about this site, as well as Dreambox and we will be having a debate about which site we like better and why.

Our next unit, which we will start this week, will involve graphing.

In Language, we finished up our good copies of our sequels to "The Fourteenth Goldfish" and presented some of our Jonas Salk cards to the class.

The only homework for tonight is to continue to explore Mathletics and Dreambox .

Have a good evening.

Mr. Skinner

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Review Activity Shared on Google Drive


In Math this morning, we continued to review for Thursday's test, on the whiteboards. As promised, I have shared a Numeration review activity with each student on their Google Drive. You will be given time to work on this activity in class tomorrow, but you are welcome to check your Drive and start on it tonight, to help with your studying.


In Language, we viewed the Q & A session held with the author of "The Fourteenth Goldfish." We also continued to work on the rough draft of our sequels to the novel, on the Chromebooks. It is expected that all 1-3 page rough draft will be completed by the end of tomorrow morning.

Thanks again.

Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner

Monday 17 November 2014

Welcome to Winter!


Winter made a strong appearance today, with quite the accumulation of snow! I know that some Grade 6 students don't like to wear snow pants, but it's at least a good idea to wear splash pants, or they are going to get soaked when they go out for recess in the snow.

In Language, the students made their outlines for their sequels to "The Fourteenth Goldfish." If this task was not completed in class, it is for homework tonight. Most students completed this task and started to work on their rough drafts, on Google Drive. We will continue to work on this draft tomorrow.

In Math, we reviewed place value and sorting numbers on the white boards. We are approaching the end of this unit of study, so the test will be on Thursday. The students should be reviewing their work from this unit to prepare for the test.

Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Getting Ready to Debate


This morning we continued to discuss and explore rounding, looking at the reasons for rounding and when and why it is used. All of the students should have the two double sided rounding sheets completed. If they are not done, they need to be finished for homework.

We also used the Chromebooks to tweet with other classes about "The Fourteenth Goldfish." It was very exciting this afternoon when the author of the novel retweeted one of our tweets, highlighting our point for all of her followers.

Jenni Holm Retweet

Finally, we began to prepare for our debate on Friday. We will be discussing whether or not we think Remembrance Day should be declared a National holiday. Each side posted ideas on their own padlet wall. Remember to follow the link that was shared to your Google Drive, if you want to post more ideas tonight. We will continue to brainstorm ideas tomorrow, and prepare for our discussion about this topic, which will take place on Friday.

Have a great night.

Mr. Skinner

Monday 10 November 2014

Rounding and Finishing the Fourteenth Goldfish


This morning, we discussed our introduction to rounding. The students have two double sided rounding worksheets, which are due on Wednesday. We will continue to explore rounding tomorrow as well.

In Language, we finished reading The Fourteenth Goldfish. The students made predictions on the padlet below.

Nov 10 Padlet

After reading the rest of the book, we reflected on the accuracy of our predictions and some of the big themes of the book. The students also started to brainstorm ideas for their own version of a sequel to the book.

Finally, many of our students have been working very hard to get ready for our Remembrace Day ceremonies. We hope that some of you will be able to join us for the ceremony. It begins at 10:15.

Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner

Friday 7 November 2014

Friday - Dreambox and Padlet

Good morning guys,

It was great to talk to so many of your parents last night! Don't worry I told them all how wonderful you are!

This morning, after you finish the decimals worksheet, you can work on Dreambox again.

Dreambox Login

During second block, you will post on the padlet wall, while The Fourteenth Goldfish is being read to you.

The Fourteenth Goldfish - Nov. 7 Padlet

Please post connections you can make, and questions or comments that you have. We will discuss them next week. Please make sure that everything you post is appropriate. Remember that it will be posted on my screen in real-time.

After reading, you will make predictions about what you think will happen next, on a Google Doc that you will share with me. Remember to explain your thinking.

Have a great morning.

Mr. Skinner

Thursday 6 November 2014

Interviews tonight


A quick note about today, as I will be seeing many of you at the interviews tonight.

If you are unable to make it, but would like to talk about your child's progress, please send me a note in the agenda and I will give you a call for a phone interview.

Today, in Language, we exchanged our library books and continued to read from "The Fourteenth Goldfish." We also examined the cards and posters made in honour of Jonas Salk and will be giving peer feedback on Monday.

In Math, the students received their corrected and evaluated Factors and Multiples test. I am available over the next week to conference with anyone who would like to go over the material with me and have another opportunity to display their understanding. I would appreciate it if the tests could be signed and returned to me by Monday.

Finally, the students received their Dreambox login codes today, so they can get some fun Math practice in whenever they would like. Get them to click on the link below and show you around the site!

Dreambox login

Have a great night.

Mr. Skinner

Wednesday 5 November 2014



This morning we continued to explore place value and ordering numbers to the thousandths place. We worked in partners on an inquiry Math activity on Google Slides. Next, London introduced the class to the Grade 6 Math activities on the Dreambox website. Many students had used Dreambox in Grade 2 or 3 and they were interested to see the Grade 6 activities. The students will be receiving their passwords in the morning, so they can start working on the site tomorrow. It is a very fun way to get some extra practice.

In Language, we continued to work on making connections. We looked at the different connections we made on the Padlet walls yesterday and discussed how we could improve them, by providing more detail and explanations about our connections. While I continued to read from "The Fourteenth Goldfish," the students wrote improved versions of their connections on post-its and placed them on chart paper to display our text to self, text to text, and text to world connections in the class.

Finally, if you were unable to book an interview online, but you would like to meet tomorrow after school, or have a phone interview, please call the school and leave a message for me. I will get back to you tomorrow afternoon and we can have a phone interview or set up a meeting time.

Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Making Different Types of Connections


This morning, we worked on the white boards and examined the expanded form of whole numbers and decimal numbers.

Tonight, I would like the students to write out the following two numbers in expanded form, either on a google doc, or on paper.

A) 7 531 406

B) 9 032.186

Next, we used our padlet walls to post personal connections to the Fourteenth Goldfish. Each student is required to post a connection on each of the three walls - text to self, text to text and text to world. The students need to connect to themes and events in the story and it is important that they explain the thinking behind each connection.

Padlet - text to self connections

Text to text connections

Text to world connections

Finally, we will be presenting our cards and posters on Jonas Salk tomorrow, so students need to complete their work tonight, as we will all be sharing our information.

Don't forget to follow the link below and sign up for the Parent-Teacher interviews on Thursday.

Mr. Skinner and Mme. Helbecque - French Immersion student interviews

Mr. Skinner - Extended French Student interviews

Have a good night.

Mr. Skinner

Monday 3 November 2014

Comparing and Ordering Numbers


This morning we worked in partners to discuss our work on representing numbers and place value. Next, we used the white boards to introduce the concept of comparing and ordering numbers. Tonight, the students are asked to complete Numbers 1-4 on the worksheet that was handed out today, which looks at these concepts.

In Language, we examined our character trait group work. We looked at each group's work and discussed how the groups could improve their responses by providing more specific examples to illustrate the character traits they chose for their character. The students also had time to finish their work on Jonas Salk. We will be sharing and presenting the cards and posters tomorrow morning.

Please don't forget to sign up for interviews. Follow the link provided in the previous blog post.

Have a great night.

Mr. Skinner